Making a living from sports betting

Yes, sports betting can be a job !

Some people only do sports betting at first for fun, then with practice, a few euros of winnings, the question arises for some, the dream: making a living from sports betting! Is it possible ? Answer is clearly and trully affirmative. However I will qualify this notion of dream throughout these few lines.
Indeed, first of all, we must put into perspective the contribution of mathematics in games of chance, and definitively forget a miraculous math formula which would make anyone who knows it and knows how to use it win every time.
Then, the gains are made in the long term, you must accept to lose regularly, and take interest and regularly calculate your ROI and ROC.
As in financial trading, the gains are generally not incredible: apart from quite exceptional luck (as in a very risky accumulator bet, read also diversifying your strategies ), the gains are a simple multiple of the stakes. To earn enough, you must therefore have a large bankroll for betting: and bet a lot, often.
And of course, this previous "a lot, often", combined with the fact that methodically controlled bets gives an obvious consequence: you will have to spend time there.

Spend time there, regularly, demonstrating method and little by little expertise? that’s not the definition of a job??

Spend time there? The first phase, the implementation of a winning strategy, albeit weakly, but with a stable return percentage (read article on ROI & ROC), is the most delicate, thankless, and can take time. In a way, this is the training and learning phase of the profession.
On the other hand, once this is in place, as it is the winnings which feed and increase future bets, the winnings will increase more and more quickly, and all this is done without risk (more precisely, with a risk that we will have learned to control, to master, before). Mathematically, this way, the bankroll increases exponentially.
All this is still a bit theoretical, of course.

Concrete example, quantified, estimated

We therefore start with a bankroll of 100 euros, our initial investment, which we distribute as follows, from the 1st of the month to the 1st of the following month: At the end of the month, we calculate our earnings and the overall ROC return with a goal of at least 5 to 10% (with the previous plan, we must already have 5 euros of earnings guaranteed by the martingales, or 5%).
We are not taking much risk at the moment with our bankroll of 100 euros. The idea is to seek, for several months if necessary, to achieve this objective, and above all, to stabilize there.
Once this ROC has been achieved stably over several months, with a stable and reproducible strategy , we can for example The bankroll thus increases for two reasons, its net winnings and my credits to boost it.
The essential criterion to monitor is the stability of the ROC.
With a bankroll that reaches a few thousand euros, the winnings will then reach a few hundred euros guaranteed.
Then a bankroll of a few tens of thousands of euros, for gains (always around 5/10%) of a few thousand euros: a real salary!

Simulator: evolution, month after month, of the bankroll

The following simulator computes and shows the evolution of the bankroll month after month, according to the 2 main parameters: the ROC (which we managed to stabilize from one month to the next) and the personal contribution to the bankroll.
We then select the number of months, and the evolution of the bankroll, month after month, is then calculated and automatically updated.
After how many months is the net gain from one month to the next suitable as a salary?
For example, with a ROC of 10%, a monthly investment of €150, after 20 months a net monthly salary of just over €1000 is generated.
Try it:

Monthly evolution of the bankroll:

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