Surebet: a complete mathematical review and proof
surebet refers to a betting strategy where you place bets on all possible outcomes of a sporting event, guaranteeing a profit regardless of the actual result.
This is not a tip to be taken at one's word, but is the result of a clear and complete mathematical calculation.
Let us finally add, before going into details, that it is not a betting strategy which guarantees an unconditionally profit in any situation, but which aims to take advantage of a particular situation, which, in turn, is not necessarily systematic.
Below we explore the mathematical details, algebraic calculations, that is the whole maths proof.
Surebet in sports betting could be compared to an eclipse phenomenon at a bookmaker or between several bookmakers.
That's a rare and exciting phenomenon, but one have to know when and where to look to see it…
Same way, appearance of a possibility of a surebet is quite improbable for reasons that we will detail later.
However, improbable does not mean non-existent, especially for a wagerer who plays fairly and wishes to triumph over apparent randomness and probabilities ! Furthermore, understanding this mathematic principle is an essential step towards a deeper understanding of how sports betting works.
Furthermore, even if "natural" surebet situations are rare, it is possible to provoke them: we will thus end up with secure sports betting formulas (that is to say not winning for sure, but with a much reduced risk of loss, see the Double Chance formulas or Refunded If or even Math tip: multiple bets secured using surebet.
The recipe (mathematical and exact as we will see and prove it) is as follows: find the implied probability of each outcome (which can be found by taking the reciprocal of the odds), then add these implied probabilities of every outcome.
If this resulting sum is less than 1, here is a surebet opportunity.
The aim of what follows is twofold: to clarify, justify and mathematically prove this formula, and also to specify how to calculate how much to bet on each outcome to garantee the maximum profit.
Surebet example on a two way event: win or loss - details of Math calculations
To explore the general situation, let's consider the event with two outcomes: victory or defeat for which we denote- odds of victory: cv, and on which we bet the stake mv
- odds for defeat: cd, and on which we bet the stake md
- victory: I lose my stake md, and I earn the net profit:
Gv = mv×cv − mt
- defeat: I lose my stake mv, and I earn the net profit:
Gd = md×cd − mt
Firstly, if one of the two profits Gv or Gd is greater than the other, my strategy will not be optimal, because I would have a chance of winning only the smaller of the two gains.
A first condition is therefore to have equality of these net gains, i.e.
Afetr all, this last relationship is only interesting if, in addition to the equality of the two gains, these ones are positive (otherwise we are guaranteed to lose, an identical loss in both cases, for sure...), which implies that
Example 1: without surebet opportunity
Let's consider the sport event for which- Victory: odds of cv = 1,15
- Defeat: odds of cd = 2,2
Example 2: with surebet opportunity
Let's now consider the sport event for which- Victory: odds of cv = 1,30
- Defeat: odds of cd = 5,00
Our previous calculations then give us the distribution of bets (how much to bet on each outcome), for example for a bet on victory of mv = 100 euros, we then bet
The total stake is therefore 126 euros and we then check that
- In case of victory, guaranteed net profit is Gv = 100×1,30 - 126 = 4 euros
- In case of defeat, guaranteed net profit is Gd = 26×5,00 - 126 = 4 euros
That is somehow low profit compared to stakes.
The mathematical tool for evaluating the quality of an investment is the "ROI", which stands for Return On
See the surebet calculator

Simplified surebet detection formula
The previous mathematical characterization of surebet opportinities is not so easy to handle: computing the reciprocal of decimal numbers in your head is not given to everyone… an automatic tool is welcomed, like this one .
What ultimately interests us is actually the net profit.
To obtain this one, we must subtract our stake to the calculation of profit with odds which.
Thus, if the odds for victory are cv, we can explode this coefficient as
For example, with odds of cv = 1,60, if I bet 50 euros and win, I earn 50×cv = 80 euros, but my net profit is only 50×0,60 = 30 euros.
Here we have cv = 1,60 = 1 + tv, with the "net odds" tv = 0,60.
In the study explored here, with odds for victory cv = 1 + tv and odds for defeat cd = 1 + td there are some surebet opportunities when
This condition is mathematically equivalent to that on the sum of the reciprocals of the odds (or implies probabilities) (see complete and detailled mathematical proof).
This formula is moreover simplier to handle, even without calculator.
Example 1 above can be written, according to this new formula,
- Victory: odds of cv = 1,15, and net odds of tv = 0,15
- Defeat: odds of cd = 2,2, and net odds of td = 1,2
Concerning preceding example 2, using net profits and odds formulations,
- Victory: odds of cv = 1,30, and net odds of tv = 0,30
- Defeat: odds of cd = 5, and net odds of td = 4
Surebet for a three-way 1x2 sport event (or victory/draw/defeat)
Three-way betting odds offer three wagering options. They differ from two-way odds as a TIE is added as a third betting choice. Three-way lines are offered in most competitions where a draw is a possible outcome, such as for the popular soccer betting options.So let's now turn to these three-way sport events and betting. Three ways are victory / draw / defeat, for which we assume to have
- victory: odds of cv, and on which we bet the stake mv
- draw: odds of cn, and on which we bet the stake mn
- defeat: odds of cd, and on which we bet the stake md
We the calculate profits for each outcome, that is the alternative
- Victory: I lose my stake md, and I earn the net profit:
Gv = mv×cv − mt
- Draw: I lose my stake mn, and I earn the net profit:
Gn = mn×cn − mt
- Defeat: I lose my stake mv, and I earn the net profit:
Gd = md×cd − mt
Firstly, if one of the three profits Gv, Gn or Gd is greater than others, my strategy will not be optimal, because I would have a chance of winning only the smaller of the three gains.
A first condition is therefore to have these profits equal, i.e.
Finally, this relationship is only interesting if, in addition to the equality of the three gains, theses are positives (otherwise we are guaranteed to lose, an identical loss in all three cases, for sure...) , that is
This surebet opportinities characterization is not so easy to handle, but there is not any simplified form this time. You can use the surebet automatic calculator which will automatically compute and yield surebet opportunities and, if so, the optimum distribution of bets as well as the ROI.
How and where to find surebet opportunities
As we said, surebet opportunities appears in a particular situations. These situations should not be found inside a single bookmaker offers: this would mean that, in this particular event, the bookmaker puts himself in a situation of guaranteed loss ! unless this is a particular calculation or verification error on his part... therefore to be exploited quickly if it exists, before the bookmaker detects and corrects it !
Surebet opportunities are therefore to be looked for between several bookmakers, opportunities resulting from different estimations of the outcome of an event: one will estimate, for example, the victory of a player or a team much more probable than the other, and odds offered by these two bookmakers will be quite different endind with a possible surebet opportunity.
To evaluate odds, bookmakers also take into account, among many elements and statisical data, odds offered by their competitors and thus tend a kind of harmonization: a big divergence between odds from one bookmaker to another rarely occurs ! for example, a team which is only underdog for a bookmaker is also underdog for the other bookmaker. This is mainly true for the most followed events, with the highest betting volume. On the other hand, for less popular competitions, league 2 or equivalent in other countries, or for example in tennis, tournaments other than the major Grand Slams (Masters 1000, or ATP 500 or 250), are much more likely to offer odds quitly differing and sometimes leading to surebet opportunities.
Following the same idea, one ca also pay attention to less publicized events, therefore with lower volumes of bets, for example other sports such as hockey, volleyball, or even handball… These will therefore also be less rigorously scrutinized, therefore more likely to present cases of surebet.
Why not get (too) tired of searching for surebets opportunities ?
To find surebet opportunites, at least 2 bookmakers are thus required. Searching in a large number of bookmaker offers quickly turns out to be tedious, having to go through all odds, looking for odds that meet the surebet opportunity mathematical formula.Task can be cut short by only looking for surebet opportunities for two-way events. The formula is already simpler in this case, especially in the simplified version.
Paid sites and services exist, but as the profit with surebet betting is low, also adding (or instead substracting…) a commission from an intermediary... Finally, in practice, here is a list of reasons why it is not really wise to tire yourself out searching for and exploiting surebet opportunities:
- Surebet opportunities are usually quite rare. Indeed, the different bookmakers observe each other and tend to align with each other. However, the surebet situation arises precisely when the probabilities of events are evaluated differently by different operators.
- Resulting form previous point: surebet opportunities are limited in time. The time, precisely, for the bookmakers to harmonize. If you find some surebet between bookmakers, don't wait, don't take time to think about, just bet immediately.
- There may be situations of abandonment at bookmakers (to research and be aware of). If in all of your stakes for a surebet, one of the bets is canceled, the overall loss becomes more than probable.
- To end with, the return on investment in a surebet situation is quite low and to properly exploit such a situation, you must be ready (and able to afford it) to invest a lot.
Did I then read, understand and calculate everything for nothing ?
No way ! Overall, understanding all the calculations, maths, the advantages, drawbacks, etc... around surebets, is clearly an important progress in the knowledge of the betting mechanisms. In particular, it is now possible to calmly tackle other betting elements, and to come around profitable strategies:- a surebet situation is, as we have said, very rare, even exceptional, to the extent that if a bookmaker offers one, it is a serious error on his part, and the bookmakers scrutinize each other others to try to avoid such a situation between them as well.
However, this situation can frequently be found to be artificial or provoked, e.g.- 2 of 3 system: the surebet situation is not global but we nevertheless use it to secure our winnings
- Refunded If (or Draw No Bet): close to the previous one, we make a double bet: a bet which wins and one which secures the overall bet by ensuring at least not to lose anything.
- live surebet, which has many more advantages, starting with being easier to master
- double chance bets and refunded if. These types of bets are offered by some bookmakers.
In return for a higher chance of winning, the bookmakers of course also charge a larger margin...
It is possible to make these types of bets yourself (the principle being exactly the same as for a surebet, but without all the previous constraints), and thus avoid the additional commission of the bookmaker. - In the same way, if it will be (very) rare to find a surebet, it is possible to create yourself, mathematically, situations in which a surebet is identifiable. This is the case for example when we seek to secure multiple bets which reveal high intermediate odds which we can therefore combine, via surebet, with other bets.
Dutching is also a multiple betting technique, in which an overall stake is spread across several bets. This technique is clearly advantageous if we correctly choose the events on which we bet and their odds: we find exactly the same principles and the same mathematical formula characteristic of surebet.
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